Thursday, July 4, 2019

Police Fail, Cops Try To Violate Mans Rights For Smoking Pot

I want to share this with you for one reason: When I was 18 years old I had a similar experience. I parked my car in front of my house, my wife had asked me to take some diapers to one of her friends that lived at the end of our cul-de-sac, my daughter had outgrown them. Anyway..... I took the diapers down the road and then parked in front of my house. I had been having trouble with my headlights (It was daytime) So I left the car running and got out to look at the lights. Right about then a Precinct 4 Constable pulled up slowly. There was a large group of teens walking by, I assumed he was going to harass them......... But I was wrong!!! He instead approached ME!!! My vehicle was PARKED in front of my house. He demands ID (Back in those days I didn't KNOW my rights) Anyway.......... I didn't have my ID on me, my wallet was in the house, I gave him my name and DOB but he claimed that I didn't exist when he checked it. About that time my wife walks outside wondering WTF. She had my wallet in her hands and attempted to hand it to me. The SCUMBAG Officer T,.J. Moore (I'll NEVER forget his name) He was Constable Dick Moore's son (They now run a security company) Anyway....... The scumbag tells my wife to get back in the house or he'll take HER to jail!!! At this time he places me under arrest for.......... you guessed it, no ID!!! Not only does he take me to jail, he also tows my car FROM IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE!!! So if you wonder why I don't like #Police, It's because of all the scumbags like him I've encountered!!! And once you have an arrest record you are TARGETED FOR LIFE!!! I had to pay to get my car out of impound, had to go through the embarrassment of this hour long harassment, the searching of my car, and then being arrested FOR NO REASON!!! Because he didn't like how I looked or whatever his motivation. I know all cops are not bad........... But in the city of Houston you'd be hard pressed to find many good ones!!! Cops #EarnTheHate EVERY DAY!!! I have NOTHING against police that just do their jobs, but guys like these are a serious problem in this country!!! I am aware that most of my friends on here support the police........... But do you support cops that violate people's rights in YOUR NAME??? Do you support cops that plant evidence and lie on police reports??? Do you support the cops that intimidate, bully, and harass citizens who have done NOTHING WRONG??? This guy "smells like pot" but he's in his own driveway. He's not even on the road yet he's threatened with a DWI!!! What scumbags So when you hear me call cops "scumbags" just know it's for GOOD REASON!!! Because I've never done ANYTHING but work for a living and take care of my family yet these bullies with a badge have harassed me, taken me to jail for no reason on multiple occasions, and cost me a fortune in legal fees and paying bullsh*t tickets!!! BE CAREFUL what you support!!! Because that's NOT #Justice!!! That's a bully with a badge!!!

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