Thursday, November 21, 2019

Rookie Cop Shoots, Kills Woman in another failed welfare check | Arlingt...

NEVER call #Police to do a "Welfare Check" on your loved ones!!! (Or anyone else for that matter!!!) Police training teaches cadets to just shoot and kill dogs instead of dealing with them without using deadly force Because they get away with it!!! They have "Qualified Immunity" which means that you cannot sue them when they do wrong!!! That in itself is unreasonable in my book!!! EVERYONE in the whole country can be held legally / financially liable for their actions EXCEPT Police!!! How unfair is that??? So they are "Above the Law"!!! They enjoy privilege the rest of us don't have!!! THAT is not right!!! The courts gave them this immunity but I view it as a violation of everyone else's rights!!! I can be held liable for MY actions at work or not........ But police are above the law and cannot be held liable for their actions!!! That simply creates an atmosphere for ABUSE, MISCONDUCT, NEGLIGENT BEHAVIOR!!! ANY sane person would have to agree with me!!! Here we have a new officer, straight out of the academy......... And he KILLS the woman he is supposed to be doing the "Welfare Check" on!!! Why??? Because a barking dog got within about 25 feet from him!!! This was a small dog to begin with and was not even a real threat to him at the time. Secondly........ Whatever happened to "Gun Safety"??? And KNOW YOUR BACKSTOP!!! In this case the WOMAN he was supposed to be checking on was the backstop!!! You NEVER fire a gun when you are not ABSOLUTELY SURE where your bullet will stop!!! Every 6 year old should know that!!! But you see........... having that immunity, being above the law............ Gives Police confidence that whatever happens THEY won't have to be held accountable for it!!! The TAXPAYERS may take a hit, but the cop himself is in the clear no matter what!!! It's NOT right and needs to change!!! Police need to carry liability insurance to cover them in cases of misconduct, wrongful death, and violations of citizens rights LAWSUITS!!! Then you see........ we start holding them accountable for their actions...... and their insurance carriers will weed out bad cops!!! Because cops with lots of claims will become un-insurable!!! As it stands, even police that ARE FIRED for misconduct or abuses Well....... They just move to the next town over!!! Police unions make the "violations" that get put in their personnel file GO AWAY every 2 months or so!!! So they don't even stay in their record!!! Must be nice!!! Insurance companies WOULD NOT do that!!! Police Unions are another BIG PROBLEM with police!!! They fight to KEEP them unaccountable!!! To clear wrongdoing from their personnel files!!! To defend them even when they are blatantly wrong!!! Even when they kill innocent citizens!!! That is just NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! It MUST CHANGE!!!

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