Sunday, September 8, 2019

Silk Road Founder Jailed-- Drug Sales UP

The insanity continues!!! Giving a non-violent man "Life" in #Prison without the possibility of Parole is a #Crime!!! You have scumbags like #Hillary and Bill #Clinton who facilitated the importation of TONS of Cocaine through the Arkansas #Mena Airport AND sold Uranium to the #Russians walking the streets........... thumbing their noses at this countries laws and you are going to lock this man up??? Let me tell you ALL something.......... Drug charges (no matter what your opinion of them) Are nothing more than people wanting to CONTROL what other people do through the threat of force!!! Who made THEM the arbiter of right and wrong??? Drug use affects NOBODY but the user adversely!!! These people have worked for their money, they didn't steal it from you........... So if they choose to spend it on drugs to ingest WTF are you to tell them they can't??? As long as an individual hurts nobody financially or physically then they are NOT guilty of a Crime!!! They are guilty of disobeying the overlords who think up rules for us all!!! Personally I believe drug laws to be unconstitutional and stupid!!! I don't condone the use of drugs but I DO believe it's each person's decision to make for themselves!!! We waste BILLIONS of dollars EVERY YEAR on #DrugEnforcement that don't work!!! There are drugs in every city of the country!!! It has been PROVEN the CIA uses it's planes to bring the "illegal" drugs into the country!!! They then lock up those who buy them!!! Let's not forget about the #Violence caused by Law Enforcement going after these peaceful people!!! The drug users never hurt anyone..........But Police shoot and kill many of them EVERY DAY!!! No.......... #Prohibition does not work!!! It CREATES Organized Crime!!! It causes police violence in our streets!!! It causes violence among the street gangs and cartels because of the huge profits made from drug sales!!! (Which is made so profitable bt prohibition!!!) We should DO AWAY with drug laws and DEA!!! We should take the BILLIONS of dollars we save and spend it on EDUCATION!!! Educate kids about the dangers of drug use!!! Then teach them of the dangers of PROHIBITION!!!

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