Friday, January 17, 2020

Johnson & Johnson fined $572M in landmark opioid crisis trial

I am SICK AND TIRED of listening to people talk about Fentanyl and shipments of Heroin from Mexico and South America like they are "Responsible for" the opioid crisis and the huge number of opiate addicts in America!!! The people who are NOW abusing Heroin most likely BECAME ADDICTS under a doctor's care!!! The Sackler Family and other pharmaceutical companies MARKETED HIGHLY ADDICTIVE PAINKILLERS to Americans as a "Safe solution to their pain with a minimal chance of addiction" WHICH WAS ALL LIES!!! The Obama Administration then FORCED DOCTORS to stop writing these highly addictive prescriptions to the public So the patients (who were now addicted to these drugs) turned to street drugs!!! THAT is why people are dropping dead at a rate of 300 PER DAY in the United States alone!!! The people responsible for these "marketing campaigns" which LIED TO AMERICANS and created a "Generation of Addicts" should be put in #Prison and have ALL OF THEIR PROFITS SEIZED and put into a fund for the treatment addiction!!! THEY CREATED THE PROBLEM!!! THEY SHOULD PAY TO TREAT THOSE AFFECTED BY IT

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