Saturday, August 31, 2019

Everybody Submits During Armed Robbery - This Guy Owns the Situation

Pasadena,Tx.-Car vs Patrol SUV *CRASH*

Pasadena,Tx.-Car vs Patrol SUV *CRASH*

D'Souza: Donald Trump didn't cause the division in America, it caused him

SJWs Aren't Bothered by Dave Chappelle, They Swear

Man Files Lawsuit Against LMPD After Illegal Search

Police Shoot Suspect In The Back - Was It Justified?

A "Dangerous fleeing felon" CAN legally be shot in the back!!! If you've shot someone or people can reasonably assume you are a danger to the public you can be shot in the back, the front, or whatever!!!

#537 EQUALITY ACT DEBUNKED! | Tim Pool Guests | Louder With Crowder

Ocasio Cortez SLAMMED For Violating First Amendment, Rejects Federal Cou...

Friday, August 30, 2019

Alert! Something Fishy About Twitter CEO's Hacked Account

Pathetic! NASCAR Bows to the Gun Control Mob

#Nascar #Censorship rejects gun ads We all know where they stand on the #2ndAmendment huh? #SecondAmendment #Guns

Dave Chappelle Sticks and Stones 2019 Epilogue The Punchline 1080p

Armed Citizen Stops Attack on Female Clerk | DGU Breakdown

The Story Of Otto The Watchdog V. Royce City Texas

Something You Need to Know About ALL Traffic Tickets

Follow the MONEY!!!

Sargon of Akkad & Alex Jones: FULL INTERVIEW

Dave Chappelle's Drug Sniffing Dog | Netflix Is A Joke

Dave Chappelle's Impressions Are Insanely Accurate | Netflix Is A Joke

Dave Chappelle on the Jussie Smollett Incident | Netflix Is A Joke

Leave it to Chapelle!!! Usually #Left but he's #Right!!!

Dave Chappelle Is Now a Far Right Wing Racist

Cop Gets Angry At Man For Recording Him Stealing A Mcflurry

Cop Profiles The Wrong Woman And Pays A Price

This Week in Censorship

This Week in Censorship


Wednesday, August 28, 2019

“ YOU’RE BEING ARRESTED “ - “ Turn The Camera Off “ - East Hampton Polic...

Patriots storm city council to overturn Pledge of Allegiance ban.

END OF THE WORLD: Newark Residents are Fed Up With Crime and Corruption ...

NBC News Opinion: Heterosexuality Is 'Not Working' - We Argue Otherwise

Gutfeld on the Times being upset about their exposed tweets

Naked "Gunman" Murders Baseball Player's Family, Rushes Cops

The #2ndAmendment SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!! People get killed by lunatics EVERY DAY!!! Personally I believe all of these "Mass Shootings" are being staged by #Gun Grabbers!!! If people want to kill........... they CAN KILL without a #Gun!!! Red Flag Laws and the "Pre-Crime Bill" the TAPS ACT are violations of the #Constitution and will NOT be tolerated by Americans The end is near and having "Thought Police" is not going to happen in America Politicians are losing their control over the masses because of the internet and people sharing information about what they are doing!!! So they want you disarmed!!! They WILL awaken the "Sleeping Giant" which is America's Gun Owners And I'll guarantee they will fight to the last man to defend our right to self-defense So keep talking scumbags............ and you'll find out exactly what "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" really means!!!

Dave Chappelle EVISCERATES the Left and Political Correctness, YouTube D...

The Craziest Secretary

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Questions Surround Palo Alto Police Officers' Use of Force Captured by H...

PragerU v. Google

Sioux Falls Police Results Of Self Investigation

Viral Video BREAKDOWN - Cops Trash Man's Rights During SpeedTrap Stop

Anti-Trump Smear BACKFIRES On New York Times, Left AND Right Slam Newspaper

Anti-Trump Smear BACKFIRES On New York Times, Left AND Right Slam Newspaper

Ilhan Omar Had an Affair with MARRIED Campaign Strategist, Used Campaign...

Central Texan Holding Public Figures Accountable While Exercising 1st Am...


**Update** 1st Amendment Audit Galveston PD: "Final Verdict"

This is the final video of this series.......... It shows that not only are #Police violating the rights of American Citizens but the #Judiciary often allows them to get away with it!!! THAT is a real problem!!! Many times the only way to get #Justice is to take the case to the Supreme Court #SCOTUS However, SCOTUS does not hear every case........... and the corruption needs to be dealt with!!! Until EVERY AMERICAN makes their voice heard this kind of injustice will continue

**Update** 1st Amendment Audit Galveston PD: Battousai Responds

It is crazy!!! A dirty cop is one thing, a Police Department that covers for dirty cops is quite another!!! This happens all the time!!! #Police Unions cover for bad cops as do their departments in many cases. Take a look at Glendale, Arizona (Man Tazed 11 times) and you'll see another example of this happening. Even though the officer was violating the man's rights, and used force without cause......... His Department defended the officer's actions AND even after an internal affairs investigation claimed he did nothing wrong!!! The corruption in Law Enforcement has reached epidemic proportions and MUST BE STOPPED!!! Thanks Phillip for protecting the rights of us ALL!!!

**Update** 1st Amendment Audit Galveston PD: "Archie Chapman's PERSONNEL...

Take a look at the laundry list of suspensions this #Galveston Cop accrued BEFORE he was eventually terminated!!! The issue I have is this........ An officer has been found GUILTY of violating citizens rights on numerous occasions and is eventually fired............ You'd THINK he would be ineligible for further employment as a #Police Officer!!! But you'd be WRONG!!! Most of the time when a cop is fired for reasons like this he just goes to the next County or Town AND THEY HIRE HIM as a police officer even though he has been PROVEN a habitual violator of citizen's rights!!! THAT is troubling to me......... and should be troubling to you as well!!!

**Update** 1st Amendment Audit Galveston PD Charges

Central Texan Challenges the Right to Film & Stop and ID Law 11/6/2015

1st Amendment Audit Galveston PD Illegal Arrest PT 3 of 4 11/5/2015

1st Amendment Audit Galveston PD Illegal Arrest PT 2 of 4 11/4/2015

Scumbag dirty #Galveston Cops!!! Can you say "Illegal Search and Seizure"???

1st Amendment Audit Galveston PD Illegal Arrest PT 1 of 4 11/4/2015

7 Marshals Raid And Arrest Man For outstanding loan

Men in full tactical gear with automatic weapons sent to a man's home (Where he could have easily been killed for a sudden movement or misunderstanding) OVER A $1500.00 UNPAID STUDENT LOAN!!! This is an insane use of Federal Resources!!! Our government has ZERO RESPECT for human life!!! People are killed by Law Enforcement EVERY DAY!!! Having #Police interact with citizens over ANYTHING not involving #Violence or #Theft is simply not reasonable!!! The whole "Drug War" is BS too!!! Sending men with #Guns to deal with people who have not harmed ANYONE physically or financially is simply NOT REASONABLE!!! You can argue differently............ but you'll never convince me otherwise!!! This is insane!!! A STUDENT LOAN!!! Possible headline "Man shot 14 times today because he moved suddenly while storm trooper #Nazis raided his home over a student loan"

Monday, August 26, 2019

War Is Coming To You! Will YOU Be Ready!??

They're Coming for All of Us, and No One is Safe


Phoenix Police Officer Timaree Murphy Illegal Body Cavity Search

Houston PD Officers Charged With Murder After Lying In Search Warrant

Bodyguard for CNN's April Ryan attacks journalist covering her event

Detaining You Because We Had Calls of a Camera - Brea Ca

Cop Lies and Provokes Passenger Claiming He Has A Weapon

CNN Publishes Fake News On Family Separations At The Border

Muncie Police Department slapped with notice of violation

Fired Miami cop sentenced to 45 days in jail for slamming JMH nurse to f...

The Amazon Forest Fires Are FAKE NEWS, This Is NORMAL, Its Still Bad But...

Solar Watch, Volcanoes, Super Photons, Cosmos | S0 News Aug.26.2019

They Finally Did It, CNN Segment Claims Trump WORSE THAN HITLER

Cop Attacks 60yo Woman, Slams Her to the Ground After She Asked for Milk

This Deputy's Lie Just Became VIRAL FAKE NEWS & Nobody Caught it!!

Harris County, Tx.-Contractor exploits Good Ol Boy system w/Sheriff Dept...

Sunday, August 25, 2019

"GO BACK" Hate Hoax Goes HILARIOUSLY Wrong

SJW College Republican FRAUDS Demand MORE Tech Censorship

“You stain your department” First Amendment Audit Bakersfield Jury Servi...

WTF?!? How Could Something This Childish Trend on Twitter?!?

MUST WATCH! Massive Public Outcry Against CNN for FAKE INTERVIEW

Milo Yiannopoulos Ends Feminist Emily Grossman's Career

California: The Democratic Party's Vision for America

First Amendment AUDIT 11: Fire Police TRIGGERED - Little Johnny has a Me...

Meet some REAL control freaks!!! They like bossing people around and threatening to have them arrested!!! Unfortunately they don't have any authority OR the #Law on their side!!! But that don't stop them!!!

“ If We Keep Getting Calls, We’ll Detain You”- First Amendment Audit

"Since we don't know you or if you've committed a crime we'll ILLEGALLY detain you to get ID" People.......... #Police need a Reasonable suspicion you HAVE committed a crime that they can ARTICULATE to detain you!!! Police need to KNOW THE LAW before they are given badges!!! As it stands they violate people's rights every day!!! Many KNOW they are violating your rights and many do it out of ignorance of the law........ in either case it's ILLEGAL!!! They cannot detain you because "they got a call"

Vacaville California Correctional officers dont like cameras!!! 1st amen...

Corrections Officers are worse than #Police about violating people's rights because the citizens they interact with are INCARCERATED!!! Can you imaging how they violate THOSE PEOPLE'S rights??? Especially when there are no cameras!!!


WHY do people #Hate #Police??? Maybe these scumbags with badges from the Fairfield, California Police can tell you!!! They just pulled a guy over for SMOKING A CIGARETTE, handcuffed him, and commenced to illegally searching his motorcycle!!! THEN they had his motorcycle TOWED!!! I guess folks are just unreasonable who don't like being treated this way, having their rights violated, and their property towed away for something like having a cigarette!!! Yeah.......... that's REALLY unreasonable huh??? THESE are #TYRANTS!!! The government has gotten out of control and Tyrannical..... ESPECIALLY POLICE!!! Maybe if they done a little more "Protecting and Serving" and a little less acting like a #Nazi with a power trip complex attached people would not despise them so much!!! They enjoy costing citizens money!!! They enjoy taking people to jail for BS reasons They are sadistic scumbags who got picked on in school........And NOW they'll make EVERYONE PAY!!! I see them being targets of #Violence and wonder............. If they were not such tyrant scumbags would the violence stop??? I'm sure at least 90% of it would!!! You reap what you sow scumbags!!! The "thin blue line" is nothing more than gang colors!!! Police have become the largest group of organized criminals in America!!! I DON'T support THIS!!! I DO support Law and Order though.......... we NEED citizen oversight PERIOD!!!

Henry Wade Juvenile Justice Center - Revisit


I like to watch 1st Amendment auditors doing their thing. I'm NOT a big fan of going inside any type of administration buildings and such shooting video because if I worked there I wouldn't like to be on camera while working. BUT it is LEGAL because taxpayers fund the building and everyone's salary who works there!!! This cop is WRONG........ An employee of the government CANNOT trespass a member of the PUBLIC from a public building!!! PERIOD!!! They cannot "Trespass" them either unless they have committed a crime or caused a disturbance.......... Shooting video is NOT a disturbance!!! But claiming government employees have the same rights as citizens do with their homes when referencing a taxpayer FUNDED public building is just WRONG!!! Like I said.......... I'm not a big fan of doing this type of audit......... BUT Citizens DO have the right to video public buildings, employees, and any interactions in those buildings!!!

Cop Kills His Own K-9

You or I will have a FELONY charge leveled against us if we so much as "interfere" with a #Police Dog!!! The charge is not as serious as is killing a human officer, but it is a FELONY and chances are you'll go to #Prison over it!!! Of course Police are treated the same as #Elites and #Politicians who are ABOVE THE #LAW!!! Police very rarely face "equal justice under the law" when compared to citizens!!! THAT is why people do not like Cops. They violate the law and NOTHING happens (Or very little) When we violate the law we are sent to PRISON!!! As far as I'm concerned police should be judged HARSHER than citizens are because they are trusted to ENFORCE the law!!! With that responsibility they should be held to a HIGHER STANDARD than citizens because they have been given a great deal of authority over the rest of us!!! But we ALL know police get away with things that would send us to jail EVERY DAY!!! This needs to be corrected or the divide between citizens and Police will grow until violence breaks out!!! In America there is SUPPOSED TO BE equal application of the law........... But that's NOT how it has been working Instead Politicians, Elites, and Police are given special privileges and are judged much more leniently than citizens committing the SAME CRIMES!!! Until that stops they are nothing more than TYRANTS enforcing rules on the rest of us that THEY don't have to follow!!! PERIOD!!!

Intense 911 Call: Homeowner Defends Himself Against Invader

Intense 911 Call: Homeowner Defends Himself Against Invader Background checks and waiting periods ARE unconstitutional!!! PERIOD!!! MILLIONS of Americans are HOME when burglars break into their homes and even if you call #Police chances are the whole thing will be over when they arrive!!! DEFEND your #2ndAmendment rights until your last breath!!! Don't let the gun grabbers and politicians further restrict your right to self defense!!! "SHALL NO BE INFRINGED" is how the #Constitution reads and that's EXACTLY what they meant!!! Anyone seeking to restrict an American's access to firearms is an ENEMY of EVERY AMERICAN!!! And should be treated as such!!! God gave me the right to defend myself!!! And government employees who attempt to deprive me of those rights will have to speak to God about it!!! I'll be glad to arrange the meeting!!!

NASA Investigates First Crime Committed in Space - Yes, REALLY!

Imagine My Shock, Democrat Accuses Ilhan Omar And Rashida Tlaib Of Being...

Dennis Prager on Google's censorship allegations

Saturday, August 24, 2019



Here's The Truth Jimmy!

#Fascistbook banned #Trump's "Women for Trump" ad campaign saying that it violates their policies!!! Imagine that!!! You should drop #Facebook and #Zuckerberg a message or 10 and let them know what you think of their #Censorship policies!!! It's TIME to call Facebook what they ARE.......... an EDITOR!!! They are NOT a "platform" because on a platform you have free speech and no censorship!!! Yank their 230 protections so people can sue them and get it over with!!! Or is Trump just going to continue to "Monitor the situation"??? And accomplish NOTHING as he lets more LEGAL #Immigrants into the country than any administration in history

This Video will get 1 Million Views - First Amendment Audit - Ventura CA...

Folks................ PLEASE inform those charged to uphold the #Law that you can video ANYTHING that you can see from a public area!!! You cannot expect privacy in PUBLIC!!! And "Policy" is not law!!!

CNN Reporter Messed With the WRONG DUDE!!

Proud Boys leader is from Cuba and schools #CNN "Hacktivist" You can tell when CNN Reporters lie.......... their lips move!!!

The Best Audit Interaction I’ve Seen in a Long Time.... Press On First A...

Harris County Sheriff Dept-Good Ol Boys Exposed *PREVIEW*

NowThis Has A Message For White Kids

DEBUNKED: Spike Lee's Anti-Trump Slavery Lies! | Louder With Crowder

The Great MEME WAR 2.0 Begins

Two Major Channels BANNED from YouTube Without Warning or Reason

Friday, August 23, 2019

Something Evil We Knew About This Police Force 7 Months BEFORE MSM!!

#HPD Murdered the #Tuttle family!!! Then they covered it up!!! NOW they are threatening to retaliate against activists exposing their corruption!!! Here is a video showing the activist that has been targeted by HPD

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Liberal Woman Wants To Molest Our Kids

Media highlights of Patriots and Antifa rally in Portland 8/17/19

Cop puts Gun to My Head !! Almost Got Killed

*TYRANT ALERT* - Dangerous Cop In Marcus Hook, PA - 1st Amendment Audit

I like how #Police think they can order you around at will!!! Like they are your Daddy or something!!! I also like how "sensitive" people (including #Cops) get when someone has a CAMERA and they take video from a public area. It DOES NOT MATTER IF THEY VIDEO A NUCLEAR FACILITY!!! As long as they are in a "public area" it's legal AND it's also available on #Google Earth!!! But everyone wants to put on their "Terrorist Detector" hat and start violating people's rights!!! The Supreme Court has ruled that privacy cannot be expected in PUBLIC!!! The eyes cannot trespass. If you want privacy YOU MUST CREATE IT!!!

East Hartford Police Escalate Traffic Stop

#Police have become #Corrupt and Tyrannical. These officers violate this man's rights!!! Unless suspected of a crime (Not traffic violation) you do not have to exit your vehicle, PERIOD!!! These are Tyrants

Liberal Journalist Thinks She Can Buy A Firearm Easily, Gets A Rude Awak...

RADIO TRAFFIC | Cops Attack Man for Saying “F*** the Police” | Sioux Fal...

Officer Retaliates Against Journalist Getting Public Information About T...

Sioux Falls Second Screw Up In A Week

First Amendment Test Detained And Questioned By Orange County Sheriff @ ...

Oklahoma City Police Officer, feared woman as she handed him her ID, so ...

#Police would NEVER violate your rights and arrest someone just because someone called them!!! Cop Bootlickers would NEVER justify stuff like this right??? Just cooperate!!!

Soldier Felt Safer in Iraq than Watertown, New York , Held at Gunpoint B...

Michigan Police officer opening fire during car chase is now facing char...

#Police ALWAYS act responsibly and NEVER endanger the Public!!!

HOUSTON TEXAS : 5 detention officers indicted after inmate beaten at Har...

Oklahoma Cop charged with murder

AMAZING!!! They actually charged one of their own!!! How RARE and unexpected!!! #Police are out of control and a threat to EVERY AMERICAN!!!

News Now Houston Kicking Butt And Taking Down Channels - Save The Frog

PINAC & Fusion Center video UPDATE (Ad Friendly)

Support these guys!!! They defend YOUR RIGHTS!!!

JAA, Free Speech Verboten.

Jacksonville Judge Rescinds Unconstitutional Order in Wake of PINAC Lawsuit

Not only do #Police violate people's rights, but Judicial entities do it as well!!! This Judge issues an order which violates the #CivilRights of the editor of PINAC (Photography is not a Crime) After a #Federal Lawsuit is filed and national coverage of the illegal order it has been rescinded. Lawsuits such as this COST MONEY!!! Not everyone has the option of protecting their rights like this!!! It is time that #Americans realize that our entire legal system is #Corrupt!!! It's time to hold Law Enforcement and Judges accountable for their illegal actions!!!

You Won’t Believe This Woman, She Goes From Religion to Employment Real ...

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

WOW! Watch Term Limits Advocate SHRED Congress!

Tennessee deputies probe man's anus for marijuana (edited)

Okay.......... so the man uses drugs. DOES THAT MAKE THIS REASONABLE IN YOUR MIND??? The dope head NEVER HURT ANYONE!!! These sadistic #Nazis cannot say that!!! And you wonder why people don't like the #Police???

BodyCam - Fort Pierce Free Speech Trespass.

Tucker Investigates: How did Chris Cuomo get into Yale?

David Icke discusses theories and politics with Eamonn Holmes

The Anti-White Conspiracy "Theory"

Hollywood Just Caved to the Leftist Outrage Mob! Why?

The Meltdown

Why is Antifa Attacking the #Minds IRL Event?

Police Shoot Door 9 Times Because Home Owner Opened It - Unjustified Force

#Police in America ARE OUT OF CONTROL!!! Watch this maniac with a badge almost shoot his partner while shooting 9 times through a man's door!!! This scumbag belongs in #Prison!!! There has been a lawsuit filed, which the guy will win, costing TAXPAYERS big money!!! AMAZING!!! And the government wants us to give up our #Guns??? Imagine how they'd act THEN!!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Los Gatos - Gilroy - San Jose - Santa Clara County Sheriff Investigation.

MSNBC's Maddow Exposes She's in Bed with the NRA! HOW???

Why Antifa IS a Terrorist Organization| Louder with Crowder

Why Antifa IS a Terrorist Organization| Louder with Crowder

8 Leo's Including SGT & Lt School Parked Man On The Thin Blue Line

Cops Handcuff victim, Allow K9 to ‘Eat’ Him

The Best Constitutional Ass-Chewing of Any Cop You've Ever Seen

Bernie Says He's Ready to "GO TO WAR" with Americans for their Opinions

The Cop Who Got Away, Again: Los Gatos Police Officer Silva

She Finally Comes Clean! ��

Independence Missouri PD Has A HORRIBLE reputation, And No Intent To Fix It

The Candace Owens Show: Sheriff David Clarke

The #Left has normalized behavior that SHOULD NOT be considered "normal" Cross dressing little boys IS CHILD ABUSE!!! Hormone Therapy for ANYONE under 18 years old is CHILD ABUSE!!! Having Transgender Women (Men, dressed as women) reading to kids at libraries is CHILD ABUSE!!! These people are doing things to children that SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!! If NORMAL PEOPLE do not stand up and STOP the deviant behavior and the crazy #Socialist Agenda of the #Democrats this country WILL collapse!!! We may be too far gone now!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? This is serious stuff, and our CHILDREN will PAY for our lack of action!!!

Trump's Deregulation

#Trump needs to FORGET messing with the #SecondAmendment and keep up the de-regulation!!! He's GREAT for business!!! Now he needs to be GREAT for the #2ndAmendment!!! The NRA needs to back off on their support for Red Flag Laws too!!! #NoRedFlagLaws #RedFlagLaws #RedFlag #Guns #NRA

Monday, August 19, 2019

Journalist KNOCKED OUT By Far Left At Feminist Protest

Escape From Marion County

Trump the Trojan Horse: Red Flag Laws and Background Checks

The Left Wants to Keep Racism Alive

Author Calls Me Out as a "Far Left Wing Conspiracy Theorist" Censors My Vid

Citizen says police dept. retaliated against him for exposing 'bad cop'

Citizen says police dept. retaliated against him for exposing 'bad cop' #Police Officer gets busted lying!!! The Police DO NOT LIKE people who tell on #Cops!!! Took DA over a YEAR to file charges!!! Then they dropped a FELONY CHARGE!!!

This User No Longer Exists

Outrageous Police Extortion - Holding Citizens Hostage For A Sticker Fee

They require these "Town" stickers in #Virginia!!! I had to buy one when I lived there!!! It's nice to know the government can extort money from you any time they want!!! They use this to identify residents and to harass citizens who DON'T display the sticker including visitors to your town!!! This is just an excuse to make contact with Law Abiding #Citizens Marion, Virginia and Chilhowie, Virginia already have these stickers!!!

Beto's Big Announcement ��

#Beto has an announcement!!! Like anyone cares!!! YOU Sir, are a MORON!!!

(Part Two) Glynn County Georgia/First Amendment Audit

Cops break the #Law on a regular basis!!! The Sheriff straightens them out!!! WELL DONE CAPTAIN!!! I salute you for KNOWING THE LAW!!! And protecting folks' rights!!! There is NOTHING wrong with making contact with a citizen BUT you CANNOT violate their rights!!! ttps://

(Part One) Glynn County Georgia/First Amendment Audit

(Part1) Orlando PD Harassment And Arrest Of Jeff Gray

#Police have a serious problem with CAMERAS!!! A CAMERA cannot kill you!!! But they KNOW it CAN kill a career!!! And every day in America the Police go after people because they are engaged in "A Constitionally Protected activity" (Which photography is!!!) This unreasonable fear of cameras is because they FEAR public scrutiny of their actions!!! Pictures of the outsides of ALL buildings is available on Google Earth!!! Terrorists DO NOT stand around, highly visible, in the middle of the day and take pictures!!! YOU ARE 9 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO BE KILLED BY POLICE THAN BY A TERRORIST!!! Let the light shine in!!!

PragerU v. YouTube

Prager U is suing YouTube!!! VERY IMPORTANT CASE FOR EVERYONE!!!

Sunday, August 18, 2019



Houston,Tx.-Police Union Retaliates against Justin Pulliam

President Trump Quietly Signs Bill Allowing Warrant-less Searches of Homes





Oklahoma #Police attempt to plant evidence............ ON THE WRONG GUY!!!

ALERT! Operation 1984 - The SCARY Manhattan Rice Cooker Story

5 Things I’m willing to Give Up For A Safer America

‘Media Is An Enabler In These Mass Shootings’—Hunter Pollack, Brother of...

Jimmy Tries Tap Out - Gives phone number during video of arrest for sell...

Crazy Lady Screams At Uber Driver, Threatens Him With False Accusation

I wanted to share THIS VIDEO to show you the type of people who will be saying you are a "Dangerous Person" to get your gun taken under #RedFlagLaws

Digital Media Tries To Purge Wokeness, Far Left Writers RESIGN In Outrage

Don Lemon Sued For Sexual Assault, Denies Allegations

New Witness: CNNs Don Lemon Could Lose His Job Over This (#IBelieveDustin)

CNN​ must be sooooooooooo proud of Don #Lemon ( DonLemonCnn​ ) He is really in the bag in THIS video!!!

New Witness: CNNs Don Lemon Could Lose His Job Over This (#IBelieveDustin)

Who Can Legally Own A Bullet Proof Vest / Body Armor - It Depends On State

Why the Left Pushes the Race Agenda

Proud Boys Won A PR Victory In Portland While Antifa Beat Random People

MeToo False Accusations Are Out Of Control

What's the One Question Al Gore Will Never Answer?

Joe Biden’s History of Cringe-Worthy Gaffes | Larry Elder Show

Gutfeld: Scaramucci gets the attention he craves by turning on Trump

Licensing Costs Our Economy $180 Billion/Year, Here Are Ways to Avoid Th...

Los Angeles is a Sh*thole

Saturday, August 17, 2019

What's a red flag gun law?

The InfeKtion of America......(2019)

What They Did to America is UNFORGIVABLE ... (2019)

College Leftist Claims Milking Cows Is Sexual Exploitation Because We Li...

I just don't know anymore!!! Did I drop acid in a 1986 Pink Floyd concert and just "Never come back" OR WHAT??? People are PAYING to attend colleges that teach this BS!!!

Ohio Shooter...Connor Betts' Friend Arrested - Faces 15 Years!

Watch this video if you watch nothing else today!!! The friend is basically facing 15 years in prison for "being a drug user in possession of a firearm" and being STUPID!!! I say that because he spoke to #Police!!! The most important thing to remember when talking to police............ DON'T TALK TO POLICE!!! Amazing!!!

Cop Has Panic Attack After Getting Shot At - EMT Takes His Gun

The most pathetic thing I've seen for a while!!! Our tale begins at the Jerry Springer Trailer Park for the mentally challenged.............. Cop chases what looks like a pregnant lady (I use the tern "lady" VERY loosely here) Catches her, is trying to cuff her...... A couple of EMT's show up for whatever reason and help him A shot rings out from the trailer, #Police runs away like a track star!!! He finally comes back to the scene and yells at someone by the trailer using the EMT as cover Then he hyperventilates and starts crying like an 8 year old girl!!! EMT takes his gun Just PATHETIC!!!

Michigan Tax Assessor Attempts Interior Home Inspections


The Elites Take Another Victory Lap

NewsChannel 5 Investigates: Policing for Profit (2014) - Part 3

Las Vegas Metro Grabs photographer, throws cameras - Link to Poetry Comm...

#Tyrant SCUMBAG #Police!!! And they wonder why people dislike them??? THIS is why #Cops get shot!!! Police misconduct, #Illegal detainments, Abuse of #Authority, and plain old ignorance of the LAW!!! This guy needs to be fired, and then abused at the hands of a cop afterward!!! I have ABSOLUTELY NO RESPECT for a Scumbag like this cop!!! He DESERVES whatever should come his way!!!

I am ready to give up

California Cops Confiscate Legal Magazines

How my video with 47 million views was stolen on YouTube



Racism Is Not in America's DNA

Friday, August 16, 2019

Judge Helen Williams takes one for the "Legal Team" that might end her c...

Biggest First and Fifth Amendment Audit Ever

Meet another #Nazi #Police Officer who is breaking the law, on video!!! Police have become TYRANTS who misbehave because NOTHING EVER HAPPENS TO THEM when they get caught breaking the law!!! They abuse and misuse citizens and like in this video........... search without a warrant!!! They have NO RESPECT for your rights OR the #Constitution!!!!

Media SILENCE on Philadelphia Shooter's History

The #Media stands SILENT about the #LIBERAL who shot up Philly!!! Isn't it amazing how that works??? They are also SILENT on the attacks on ICE by #Antifa thugs!!! The most dishonest people in the country work for MEDIA!!!

York,Nebraska-**TYRANT ALERT** 8-14-19

Kid goes in #York #Police Department in York, Nebraska to ask about a complaint form (They check these PD's to make sure a citizen can get a complaint form when needed) The scumbag Sargent follows the kid to his car, wanting to run his tag and ID him (In retaliation for him asking about the complaint form) At this point he is acting ILLEGALLY!!! Retaliation against people trying to file a complaint is a very serious case of officer misconduct!!! Then, when the kid refuses to ID (His Right) he tries to get his VIN# (Still attempting to retaliate) The kid covers it with his hand and the Sargent smashes his fingers with a mag light fracturing one of his fingers!!! The Police are prohibited from harassing or retaliating against citizens asking for complaint forms!!! Their intimidation tactics are used to prevent the filing of complaints, and this is a widespread problem!!! This scumbag should be #Criminally charged with assault AND with retaliation against a citizen who had broken NO LAWS!!! THESE are the people #Democrats say will protect you once they steal your #Guns!!! Good luck with that!!! This guy is a TYRANT SCUMBAG!!! hope they gets LOTS OF CALLS FROM CITIZENS!!!

Why Are They Trying SO Hard to Shove H.R. 8 Down our Throats

What Politicians Should “Do” after the El Paso and Dayton Shootings

Cops Kill Deaf Electrical Engineer, Detain the Only Witness and Delete H...

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Me & My Booger Want to RULE YOU!!! (Try NOT to be Distracted This is IMP...

The Political WEAPONIZATION of Phobias

EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE: Jessica Yaniv ASSAULTS Rebel reporter with CANE! | Da...

Google Insider Exposes Google Blacklists

Media Hype Questionable Gun Control Study

The List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously

AMA With Millennial Millie

WTH!!! If THIS BIll Passes We're Screwed!!

Here you go...... JUST LIKE BUILDING 7 on 9/11.......... The #Media "REPORTS" mass shooting BEFORE IT OCCURRED!!! Sorry folks........... this is BULLSPIT!!! You know it, I know it, EVERYONE KNOWS IT!!! #Government is CREATING False Flag incidents to try and take your #Guns!!! It's time we EVICT these people from the halls of #Congress!!! I'm tired of their lies, and WILL NOT allow them to make a #Victim of me!!!


9/11 was either facilitated or perpetrated by the US #Government!!! Many people still don't believe that, yet that does not change the FACTS!!! Now there is a war raging on "Wrong Think," Wrong Think is independent thought. Telling the TRUTH and dismissing the never ending lies told to us by #Media and the government The #FBI has been infiltrated and certainly cannot be trusted any longer!!! After all.......... they WERE responsible for the investigation into #trump and #Russia. NOW they have came out with documents claiming that "Conspiracy Theories" are responsible for #Terrorism!!! Not the MEDIA, who calls for #Violence DAILY!!! Not #Democrats in #Congress who are doxxing and also calling for violence against Trump Supporters They all live in fairy tale heights!!! And they want YOU living there with them!!! It's getting SERIOUS folks!!! It's time that AMERICANS take a stand and call BULLSPIT on them ALL!!! They are now trying to take #Guns using #RedFlag laws which are unConstitutional and steal your property without due process!!! There comes a time when you MUST draw a line in the sand!!! It's time we draw that line!!! If we don't our children and grandchildren will curse us for our weakness and stupidity!!! They WILL be the ones who suffer our lack of action.


9/11 was either facilitated or perpetrated by the US #Government!!! Many people still don't believe that, yet that does not change the FACTS!!! Now there is a war raging on "Wrong Think," Wrong Think is independent thought. Telling the TRUTH and dismissing the never ending lies told to us by #Media and the government

We Got The Documents!

#YouTube has been #Censoring #Conservative videos just because they are Conservative!!! A guy who works for YouTube spoke secretly to Project Veritas and has shared some documents Wonder if our USELESS #Government is going to DO ANYTHING about it or will they just do as usual and do nothing??? It's time that the American People DEMAND ACTION!!! It's time they prosecute these bums, and #Hillary etc.... etc...... etc........

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Google "Machine Learning Fairness" Whistleblower Goes Public, says: "bur...

One Person Injured After Someone Shoots Up ICE Office's, ICE Blames Left...

"RED FLAG" Gun Grab Will TARGET Conservatives & The Right

Constitutional Rights Is Evidence Of A Crime, Court Ruling

Constitutional Rights Is Evidence Of A Crime, Court Ruling

Kitten Killing Cop - Ohio Police Shoots Kittens In Front Of Children - C...

Allen West: This is Why We Should Really Flag 'Red Flag' Laws


The Government Can't Solve Climate Change

60 Minutes Lies - This Is A Propaganda Hit Piece On The AR 15 Rifle

Dayton Mass Shooter Was A Left Wing Extremist

��VERY IMPORTANT VIDEO! It's Getting Really Bad!!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Studies Prove Google Is Swinging 2020 AGAINST Trump, Biased Against Cons...

NO right leaning sites show up AT ALL in #Google search!!! They are ALL lefty sites!!! We ALL already KNEW google was a bunch of biased, #Censoring scumbags........... But here's the PROOF!!!

Cops Arrest Star Quarterback For Bird Poop

Yeah........... your average dope fiend is going to leave his stash on the hood!!! Field test for cocaine............ test positive TWICE for cocaine when it's actually bird sh*t!!! Wonder how many people are in #Prison for this kind of incompetence??? This kid is a STAR QUARTERBACK........... that's probably why the sample actually went to an actual laboratory, Had it been me or you........... we'd be rotting in PRISON right now!!! If you believe everyone in prison "deserves to be there" you are wrong!!! This kind of stuff happens all the time!!! How would you like to lose 2 to 4 to 6 years of YOUR LIFE because of a pack of MORONS taking you to jail over BIRD SH*T????????????

US Supreme Court Brown v. Texas - Why Police Need Crime To Require ID

WTF?? Crenshaw's Tweet Just Made Things MUCH WORSE for Him!!!

What is it you don't understand about "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" do you not understand??? Donald #Trump and Dan #Crenshaw need to just FORGET their "thought crime" BULLSPIT!!! If someone is concerned about a lunatic that owns a gun they need to do WHAT'S LEGAL!!! They need to subpoena the person, expedite them into court, and find them incompetent!!! THEN you can say LEGALLY that an individual should not have a gun!!! You are trying to start a Civil War there boys!!! Because some of us BELIEVE IN THE CONSTITUTION and believe even MORE in our right to self defense!!! IT AIN'T HAPPENING BOYS!!! It's time to nullify our "Consent to be governed" because we are NOT allowing this people!!!

Democrats Hate Black People #walkaway

Outrageous Criminal Actions of Framingham Cops Caught on Security Cam (A...

Ami Horowitz: How white liberals really view black voters

Meet some #White #Liberals who believe some crazy stuff!!! The #Racist #Democrats apparently believe #Blacks are too dumb to obtain ID or get on the internet!!!

Just Like We Predicted!

Dumbas*es learn that $15 an hour does nothing but cause layoffs and less hours for workers!!! You cannot pay unskilled workers $15 an hour!!! If you want to make $15 an hour maybe you should keep a job long enough to be WORTH $15 an hour!!! Friggin idiots!!!

Documentary: Love Trumps Hate

Cuban Immigrant Student Deemed "White Supremacist" for Conservative Views

True for You but Not for Me

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Epstein Conspiracies Go Mainstream "Clinton Body Count" And "Trump Body ...

Rally demands justice for couple killed in botched police raid

Follow-up: Police hate photography

The REASON #Police dislike cameras so much is that they are AFRAID they may get caught violating the #Law!!! Any policeman that is doing his job in a reasonable, Legal, and non-brutal way should WELCOME a camera!!! That way if anything should go sideways, or should he need to use force (Legally) he'll have that much more evidence!!! The Cops that don't like cameras are generally the dirty ones who break the law and brutalize people on a regular basis OR violate people's rights. EVERY Cop in this country should be REQUIRED to wear a body camera!!! AND the camera should be REQUIRED to be ON when dealing with the public!!! We need CITIZEN oversight of Police, because whenever you let ANYONE "police themselves" naturally they'll NEVER have any issues!!! More people SHOULD VIDEO police in the course of their duties!!! I mean if they are acting lawfully IT ONLY BENEFITS THEM!!! The cops that hate Photography are generally the #Corrupt ones!!! And we simply do not need corrupt policemen on the job!!! ALSO There needs to be protections for good cops who blow the whistle on bad cops!!! Because the way it works now it's career SUICIDE to tell on a corrupt officer!!! I'd suggest a Civilian in charge of promotions and such. But the way it works now, a good cop tells on a bad cop.......... next thing you know he cannot get back up when he needs it!!! He cannot be promoted when he deserves it. He becomes the victim of all types of retaliation...... just for DOING HIS JOB!!! That tells you how corrupt most precincts are right there!!! Cops ARE #Government folks!!! I do support those who act lawfully.......... but those who do not need to be weeded out NOW!!! Police wonder why people don't like them??? It's because of #Corruption, Abuse of Power, Violating people's rights, and let's not forget they police themselves so not many complaints get dealt with in a satisfactory manner!!!

Follow-up: Police hate photography

The REASON #Police dislike cameras so much is that they are AFRAID they may get caught violating the #Law!!! Any policeman that is doing his job in a reasonable, #Legal, and non-brutal way should WELCOME a camera!!! That way if anything should go sideways, or should he need to use force (Legally) he'll have that much more evidence!!! The #Cops that don't like cameras are generally the dirty ones who break the law and brutalize people on a regular basis OR violate people's rights. EVERY Cop in this country should be REQUIRED to wear a body camera!!! AND the camera should be REQUIRED to be ON when dealing with the public!!! We need CITIZEN oversight of Police, because whenever you let ANYONE "police themselves" naturally they'll NEVER have any issues!!! More people SHOULD VIDEO police in the course of their duties!!! I mean if they are acting lawfully IT ONLY BENEFITS THEM!!! The cops that hate #Photography are generally the #Corrupt ones!!! And we simply do not need corrupt policemen on the job!!! ALSO There needs to be protections for good cops who blow the whistle on bad cops!!! Because the way it works now it's career SUICIDE to tell on a corrupt officer!!! I'd suggest a Civilian in charge of promotions and such. But the way it works now, a good cop tells on a bad cop.......... next thing you know he cannot get back up when he needs it!!! He cannot be promoted when he deserves it. He becomes the victim of all types of retaliation...... just for DOING HIS JOB!!! That tells you how corrupt most precincts are right there!!! Cops ARE #Government folks!!! I do support those who act lawfully.......... but those who do not need to be weeded out NOW!!! Police wonder why people don't like them??? It's because of #Corruption, Abuse of Power, Violating people's rights, and let's not forget they police themselves so not many complaints get dealt with in a satisfactory manner!!!

Former Police Officer EXPOSES Jeffrey Epsteins "Suicide"

Epstein #Suicided : RED-PILLING the Masses

Like everyone else who ever had anything on a #Clinton.......... he wound up DEAD!!!

Epstein #Suicided : RED-PILLING the Masses

CLOSE THE CAMPS protesters Getting Arrested In NYC

Friday, August 9, 2019

Horrific Public Stabbing in Gun-Restricted Queens & Why You Need to Know...

A handgun would have saved this lady's life!!! Of course she lives in #Nazi controlled #NewYork so getting a handgun takes an act of #Congress PLUS a whole bunch of fees!!! I guess they don't understand the 2nd amendment in #NYC!!!

Citizens Fighting Back Against Speed Traps and Tickets

The #Government is chock full of #Criminals!!! This lady was criminally charged for cracks in her driveway!!! #Policing for Profit has become an epidemic in America!!! And these people are supposed to work for US!!!

This Mayor is on an Illegal Mission to Bulldoze 350 Homes

THIEVES in #Government have a license to STEAL!!!

Property Seized, Money Taken - No Charges Filed

#Policing for Profit!!! They are nothing more than common thieves!!! Well............. Organized Crime actually!!! Happens EVERY DAY!!! #Police and the #DEA STEAL from law-abiding Americans EVERY DAY!!!

Did Brennan Perjure Himself in Denying Use of Steele Dossier?

Man given green light to sue Charlie Beck over police confrontation | ABC7

You NEED to realize that #Police are just people!!! And at the end of the day.......... many PEOPLE are scumbags!!! EVERY #Cop should have to wear a body camera BY LAW!!! We need #Citizen Oversight of police!!! No more letting them "police themselves" Then we need to start PROSECUTING cops who use excessive force and abuse their power!!! Prosecute them JUST LIKE THEY'D PROSECUTE ME!!! Send them to #Prison when warranted!!! And when they get fired for abuse make it so they cannot be hired in the next county over, which happens ALL THE TIME!!!

Maybe Congress Will Listen Now

The MOST DANGEROUS Supremacy They're ALL Scared to Talk About!

West: Trump Stumbled Upon Left’s Dirty Little Economic Plantations Secret

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Tucker: Left is doing all it can to divide Americans

Hundreds of rats run from Baltimore garbage man

If it Wasn't Recorded You Would NOT BELIEVE It!!

Congressman plays recording of Democrat leadership lying.

N.L. family wants police officers charged after arrests caught on video

Sorry for the inconvenience, common sense will prevail

The Sackler Family – A Secretive Billion Dollar Opioid Empire

The Black Community Destroys Trumps Racism In One Video

Why are Democrats still nuts 2 years after Trump's win?

Candace Owens at the Symposium at the Wall

Blacks in Power Don't Empower Blacks

Eye for an Eye: One of the Greatest Ideas in History

I've heard the Bible criticized by many, with one common denominator, those criticizing had little or no true Biblical knowledge!!! It's fairly easy for one to pic a verse to criticize out of context........... But just like any text or speech........... something taken out of context is meaningless!!! It would be really nice to find just ONE critic who had a detailed understanding of the #Bible............... The problem with that is, most people who understand the Bible are FOLLOWERS not critics!!! ;)

How Are Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib & AOC's Views Anti-Semitic?—Rabbi Yaak...

How Are Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib & AOC's Views Anti-Semitic?—Rabbi Yaak...

Don Lemon ATTACKS Black Pastor On CNN For Meeting With Trump!


"Orange Man Bad" has been the universal #Media theme for over 3 years now!!! They created and helped sell the whole #Russian #Hoax to Americans that would believe them without a single shred of #Evidence!!! Even once cleared #Trump has never gotten an apology!!! LIE LIE LIE and then LIE Some more!!! I thought it was rather telling that the #NewYorkTimes actually TOLD THE TRUTH (For once) But then changed the truthful headline when the whiners on the #Left started crying because they were not attacking Trump calling him a racist etc...... Media has gotten so bad, so out of touch, that the #TRUTH has become very foreign to them!!!

Fake News About Trump Is Getting Insane And It's Tearing America Apart

To the idiots who blame video games...

#Trump supporting #RedFlag laws and #GunControl measures will cost him supporters!!! How about PROTECT YOUR BASE FROM #TECH #CENSORSHIP instead??? Blaming video games for #Violence is STUPID and IGNORANT!!! Let's NOT lose sight of the #Freedom we are trying to protect!!! You CANNOT stop #EVIL!!!

EXPOSED: Political Censorship in Big Tech

Krakatau at night

Shocking: White Male Stomped to Death in Detroit

Debating The 2nd Amendment with TMZ after El Paso & Dayton Mass Shootings

Democratic Socialists of America Convention Was WILD!

Even though they are "A few fries short of a Happy Meal" they are still dangerous!!! LOLOL

All Immigrants Must Enter the United States Legally

Home Invasion Robbers Yell Police To Get Victims To Open Their Door

Twitter Just Promoted the "COMPLETE DESTRUCTION" of ALL Trump Supporters!

#Twitter and @Jack Dorsey are just FINE with some #Cannibal scumbag from #CNN (Cannibal News Network) Calling for the eradication of #Trump and Trump Supporters ( HALF of the Country ) Yet if you or I support #Freedom, #Truth, or even make mention of #Democrats in a less than positive light we'll get #Banned EVERY TIME!!! There is no discrimination??? Yeah, and there is no such thing as #Criminals either is there??? If you or I had the SAME EXACT THING about the TRUE #Racists in this country DEMOCRATS.......... We'll be de-platformed from EVERY #Tech platform there is!!!

Birds of the Feather...

Meet the #Democratic #Socialists of #America ROFLMAO

Dnc pays for thugs to incite violence at trump events

#Democrats paying "protesters" and violent actors is DOCUMENTED FACT!!!

Monday, August 5, 2019

EXPOSED: Political Censorship in Big Tech

Tulsi Shuts Down MSNBC Host Mid-Smear

if Tulsi were not a gun grabber.................... I'd like he!!! Media gives her sh*t cuz she's not a war monger!!!

This Should Blow Your Mind and Piss You Off!

Uncomfortable Facts CNN Won't Tell You About Dayton "Shooter"

You Can't Fix Other People, But You Can Fix Yourself

America's Mass Shooting Nightmare

MAJOR Gun Confiscation and Censorship Coming After El Paso and Ohio Shoo...

Most epic Landslides caught on camera 2010 - 2019

Most amazing Volcano eruptions caught on camera

Amazing volcanoes mostly from 2018

8/03/2019 -- Massive volcanic blast 63,000ft (19km) in West Pacific -- G...

The Candace Owens Show: Steve Bannon

The Charlottesville Lie

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Ocasio Cortez Chief Of Staff Faces Federal Investigation Over Potential ...

Crazy liberal woman puts on a show for the camera!

Mark Levin and Jim DeMint talk Convention of States on C-SPAN2

How the States Can Save America

PLEASE SUPPORT A Convention of States!!! Join this group and then join a Convention of States group specific to YOUR STATE!!! Then work on your legislators to make this a reality!!! It is the ONLY RECOURSE WE HAVE FROM A TYRANNICAL #CONGRESS!!! The FOUNDERS gave us a way to legislate AROUND a #Corrupt Congress It's high time we USED IT!!!

CNN Logic: El Paso Was Trump's Fault

Who’s Next? Hilarious Look at the 2019 Democratic Debate and Hughley D...

EXPOSED: The Left's Pedophilia Agenda! | Louder with Crowder

Arlington Texas Cops Kill Woman Unjustified While Shooting At A Dog

Fireside Chat Ep. 93 - On Not Growing Up with Special Guest Adam Carolla

Saved by Copwatcher? DPS Trooper Gives Warning on James Freeman’s Stop |...

Thwarting Attacks on Religious Freedom in America—Kelly Shackelford [WCS...

Saturday, August 3, 2019

You & I are GUILTY of El Paso - Corey Booker's Revelation to Sharpton!

A Solution to America's Debt Problem

BOTH parties need to be THROWN OUT of #Congress!!! We need to toss the #Criminals out of office and start over with CITIZENS running the #Government NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!!!

Air Fresheners Are Now Reasonable Suspecion To Search Your Car

We have essentially lost our 4th Amendment Rights!!! The Courts have all lost their minds AND the "War on Drugs" are responsible for the loss of YOUR RIGHTS guaranteed by the #Constitution That's correct............ you may as well wipe your a** with the Constitution!!! If #LawEnforcement and #Police DO NOT have to observe YOUR RIGHTS and they can use ANY AND EVERYTHING to circumvent them......... WHAT GOOD ARE THEY???

Virial Video Of Man busted For Mistaken Identity

This is a comment from YouTube, and it's TRUE AND CORRECT!!! It takes 6 months to become a cop and 2 years to go through cosmetology school. Jack Boot Nazi needs to lose his badge NOW. Cops need to get a grip!!! Act like they have some sense!!! Some idiot calling 911 DOES NOT make YOUR RIGHTS irrelevant!!! #Police try to say once someone calls them YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS!!! But that is NOT RIGHT!!! Other people's paranoia does NOT TRUMP YOUR RIGHTS!!!

Now They're Not So Sure!

#Democrats live in #Rainbow and #Unicorn Land!!! They not only lie and lie to #Americans, but they promise a bunch of stuff that they CANNOT DELIVER!!! They are pushing #Socialism which is nothing more than a "dog whistle" for #Communism. Sorry guys and gals........... Americans are NOT interested in #Communism!!! And the thought of running #Oprah in 2020 makes me LOL!!! Is our world REALLY so screwed up that people believe in ANY OF THIS??? SCARY!!! Just PLAIN SCARY!!!

Friday, August 2, 2019

Yang Admits He Wants To Enforce Censorship!

#Democrats are ALL pro-#Censorship!!! They want to silence all dissent SCUMBAGS!!!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Cops Arrest White MSM Reporter For Trying To Get PUBLIC RECORDS On Black...

YouTube Just Protected You From a "HORRIBLE" & "DANGEROUS" Teenager!

Wait Till Trump Sees This NEW Elijah Cummings Article - FIREWORKS!

Angry Judge Shows Whose The Boss

Is THIS Justified? OK Cop Slams Old Woman to Ground Then Tazes Her

Leonardo DiCaprio is a Complete Idiot

Inequality Myths

Free Stuff 2020

ONLY Patriarchy Builds Nations * / & other UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS

STRONG BORDERS Make For Good Neighbors

Tulsi For The Win!

#ClownWorld continues!!! THESE are the people YOU have agreed to let "RULE" over you!!! Myself, I'm of the mind that I don't NEED TO BE RULED!!! I'm tired of these IDIOTS stealing my hard earned money and then WASTING IT!!!

Officers Beat Restrained Man With Mental Health Condition | NowThis

Here are the #Police everyone trust without reservation!!! These ARE THE GUYS you support when supporting #LawEnforcement I KNOW this is NOT every #Cop!!! The problem is that GOOD COPS can do NOTHING but watch as this happens!!! You DON'T CROSS THE "Thin Blue Line" If you do it's career suicide!!! Police Unions will make sure these bad cops get away with their unlawful actions AND they'll make sure they keep their jobs too!!! It's VERY RARE when a bad cop sees the inside of a jail cell!!! EVERY COP ON THE STREET should have to do #60DaysIn #Jail before they are allowed to take other people to jail!!! And I'm serious as a heart attack!!!

Bodycam Catches Cop Planting Drugs During Traffic Stops | NowThis

Here's one of the #Police that people "Support" without question!!! Cops are just people, there are good and bad. The PROBLEM IS a "good cop" CANNOT tell on a bad cop!!! It's career suicide!!! The "/thin blue line" is something that hides the actions of these bad cops. That and the police unions. So what happens is the "Good Cop" stands around and watches as the BAD COP violates people's rights and plants evidence etc..... 120 INNOCENT PEOPLE'S LIVES RUINED!!! JAILED!!! SENT TO PRISON!!! Just because they ran across this SCUMBAG!!! You need to research those you support!!! Supporting THIS is NOT what I had in mind when I said I support the Police!!!

Police bodycam footage shows Albion officer punching teenager with menta...


Side-Splitting Democrat Debate 2019 Highlights