Wednesday, March 27, 2019

DEBUNKED: AOC's "Evil Billionaire" Myths

Ohio rallies for Convention of States 2018

Convention of States: Sen. Tom Coburn at the Pennsylvania Leadership Con...

George Soros is Funding the Migrant 'Caravans' to the US

Not only is George Soros funding these "Caravans" of illegals heading into the United States, he is also getting US taxpayer money to help fund it!!! So Americans are footing the bill to bring these Illegal #Immigrants to the United States, then we get to fund trying to deport them all!!!

Monday, March 25, 2019

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Rachel Maddow Chokes Back TEARS Over Mueller Report

Rachel Maddow Chokes Back TEARS Over Mueller ReportThis guy is a little #Left leaning, but he has a little sense so I hear him out from time to time. Rachel Maddow is a non-stop source of laughter for NORMAL people!!! Did you expect anything different from her and #CNN???I don’t agree with him about Alex Jones though. Alex DOES come off with some weird sh*t sometimes......... BUT Alex Jones is a REAL REPORTER who has discovered more #TRUTH than all of the networks combined!!!If you believe Alex Jones is a “Conspiracy Theorist” like most people do then I’d suggest that you watch his videos on 9/11.......... which sound crazy when they start...... BUT they also contain EVIDENCE to support his claims!!!It’s funny that the #Tech #Censors went after Jones FIRST isn’t it??? It’s because he’s a little too close to the truth and they don’t like it!!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The New Zealand Mosque Attack NOT A WORD ABOUT #Christians being slaughtered around the world. But when a #Mosque gets attacked it's EVERYWHERE!!! NORMAL PEOPLE are under attack by the #Media and the #Totalitarian #Left!!! It's time to prepare to defend yourself............ We are living in the times of JUST BEFORE #HITLER!!! #Democrats and the Media are your #ENEMY and they are at the gates!!! Don't make the mistakes the #Jews made when Hitler was doing what Democrats are doing today!!! BE PREPARED!!! Because I'd rather die on my feet than to live on my knees!!!

The New Zealand Mosque Attack NOT A WORD ABOUT #Christians being slaughtered around the world. But when a #Mosque gets attacked it's EVERYWHERE!!! NORMAL PEOPLE are under attack by the #Media and the #Totalitarian #Left!!! It's time to prepare to defend yourself............ We are living in the times of JUST BEFORE #HITLER!!! #Democrats and the Media are your #ENEMY and they are at the gates!!! Don't make the mistakes the #Jews made when Hitler was doing what Democrats are doing today!!! BE PREPARED!!! Because I'd rather die on my feet than to live on my knees!!!

There is NO SUCH THING as #Journalists when you are talking about mainstream #Media!!! #Journalism is DEAD!!! Ever since #Obama gave millions of dollars to all of the mainstream media #News outlets there has been #Biased reporting!!! It actually started before then, but has been out of control since!!! These people are #Political #Activists pretending to be #Reporters. It's sad and should be #Illegal to misinform America, skewer facts, and selectively report stories. It's shameful and #Legislators in #Congress NEED TO STOP IT!!! Journalist Cut Deal To Protect Democrat And Withhold Information Vital t...