Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Egyptian Opposition Leader: ‘Pharaoh’ Morsi Must Rescind Recent Edicts or ‘Cycle of Violence’ Likely to Begin | TheBlaze.com
Obama Giving $6 Billion to Muslim Nations for Green Energy « Creeping Sharia
Obama Giving $6 Billion to Muslim Nations for Green Energy « Creeping Sharia
We are only 16 TRILLION dollars in debt.......Why not give 6 billion to nations that hate us???
We are only 16 TRILLION dollars in debt.......Why not give 6 billion to nations that hate us???
Obama’s Special License to U.S. Muslim Group to Fund Syrian “Rebels” Causes Concern « Creeping Sharia
Tennessee: Mega mosque forced on locals by Feds expanding already « Creeping Sharia
Tennessee: Mega mosque forced on locals by Feds expanding already « Creeping Sharia
The government fights AGAINST everything Christian..............while they force Islam down our throats!!! It's an Obama thing!!!
The government fights AGAINST everything Christian..............while they force Islam down our throats!!! It's an Obama thing!!!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Jihad in America: Grand Deception - Discussion Panel Webcast :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism
The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report » EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Muslim Brotherhood Forms Its Newest Front Organization
Articles: Consultants Advise: Bring Sporks to New Gunfight with the Left
Articles: Consultants Advise: Bring Sporks to New Gunfight with the Left
I have to agree with The American Thinker on this one <as usual> We don't need to change our beliefs, we need to better educate the masses. I know this first hand, my sister voted for Obama. Not because of anything Obama has done, not because of what he plans to do...........Nope. She voted for him because of all the misinformation spread about Romney by Obama and the liberal media. She cannot speak to any of the issues that are important to America, but she can recite EVERY BS charge made against Romney. She truly BELIEVES the economy has been doing better. She BELIEVES that Obama has helped the oil business. EVERY silly talking point that the Obama Administration gave to the liberal media to feed the American People............she ate it up, all of it. She believes in the misinformation. She defends Obama and his cronies based on this misinformation. If you show her any contradictory facts, she says they are fabrications. She believes in every lie the liberal media has ever told her, while not believing any facts that disagree with that misinformation!!! It's crazy!!! I guess she is just used to being told the truth on the news, and somehow is unable to comprehend that they'd lie to the whole country on national television!!! I don't even mention politics around her anymore, because she'll defend her misguided beliefs "to the death". I've tried every way I know how to show her the facts, but her mind is made up, and nothing I can say or do will change it!!! And I have to assume that every other Obama supporter is the same way. They have all been brainwashed by the evening news, and they believe in the lies they've been told, just as I believe in mine. The problem is that I actually research my information instead of just letting the evening news tell me what they want me to know. If we are to ever win back the hearts and minds of those misinformed Obama supporters in America then we are going to have to get control of the media!!! I've suggested an organized boycott of their networks, and MORE importantly their advertisers. Because if Americans refuse to buy products from companies that advertise on these dishonest networks then they'd start advertising somewhere else, somewhere that did not cost them customers!!! The problem I've had with this is that I've been unable to get any kind of real support fr it. The reasons vary, some say they "don't want to stoop to the level of liberals". Some say it will hurt the innocent employees of those boycotted companies. The list goes on and on....... But let's face it folks, if there are no consequences for them lying to us, why should they stop??? I'm open to any ideas on how to better make the mainstream media tell the truth!!! I believe that if we continue to allow them to lie to the American People, we'll never be able to get the truth out to the masses!!! The brainwashing continues............and it's going to cost us elections!!!!
I have to agree with The American Thinker on this one <as usual> We don't need to change our beliefs, we need to better educate the masses. I know this first hand, my sister voted for Obama. Not because of anything Obama has done, not because of what he plans to do...........Nope. She voted for him because of all the misinformation spread about Romney by Obama and the liberal media. She cannot speak to any of the issues that are important to America, but she can recite EVERY BS charge made against Romney. She truly BELIEVES the economy has been doing better. She BELIEVES that Obama has helped the oil business. EVERY silly talking point that the Obama Administration gave to the liberal media to feed the American People............she ate it up, all of it. She believes in the misinformation. She defends Obama and his cronies based on this misinformation. If you show her any contradictory facts, she says they are fabrications. She believes in every lie the liberal media has ever told her, while not believing any facts that disagree with that misinformation!!! It's crazy!!! I guess she is just used to being told the truth on the news, and somehow is unable to comprehend that they'd lie to the whole country on national television!!! I don't even mention politics around her anymore, because she'll defend her misguided beliefs "to the death". I've tried every way I know how to show her the facts, but her mind is made up, and nothing I can say or do will change it!!! And I have to assume that every other Obama supporter is the same way. They have all been brainwashed by the evening news, and they believe in the lies they've been told, just as I believe in mine. The problem is that I actually research my information instead of just letting the evening news tell me what they want me to know. If we are to ever win back the hearts and minds of those misinformed Obama supporters in America then we are going to have to get control of the media!!! I've suggested an organized boycott of their networks, and MORE importantly their advertisers. Because if Americans refuse to buy products from companies that advertise on these dishonest networks then they'd start advertising somewhere else, somewhere that did not cost them customers!!! The problem I've had with this is that I've been unable to get any kind of real support fr it. The reasons vary, some say they "don't want to stoop to the level of liberals". Some say it will hurt the innocent employees of those boycotted companies. The list goes on and on....... But let's face it folks, if there are no consequences for them lying to us, why should they stop??? I'm open to any ideas on how to better make the mainstream media tell the truth!!! I believe that if we continue to allow them to lie to the American People, we'll never be able to get the truth out to the masses!!! The brainwashing continues............and it's going to cost us elections!!!!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Muslims attack journalist for reporting on Muslims banning Christmas tree « Creeping Sharia
The vilification of George Washington is being developed in Hollywood « The Founder's Blog
Little Lives and Big Lies: On the Front Lines of the Hamas Propaganda War :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism
State Dept Attendance at Islamic Meeting to Ban Free Speech Scrubbed from Website « Creeping Sharia
» Judge: Hobby Lobby has no constitutional right to the free exercise of religion » News -- GOPUSA
Emory Univ Professor Admits Sharia is Creeping & Warns of Jihad if not Accepted « Creeping Sharia
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Sign the Petition for a "Man to Man" Meeting Between SHERIFF JOE an BO | Immigration911.org
Video: Islamic Sharia Law Comes to Great Britain « Creeping Sharia
This blog is one of the news sources that Americans simply MUST follow!!!
Video: Islamic Sharia Law Comes to Great Britain « Creeping Sharia
Video: Islamic Sharia Law Comes to Great Britain « Creeping Sharia
Department Of Homeland Security Ready For Massive Arrests of “Dissidents.” « AfterAmerica's Blog
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Karen Harrington Outraises Debbie Wasserman Schultz By 2-1 Margin
Karen Harrington Outraises Debbie Wasserman Schultz By 2-1 Margin
My girl is gonna kick the sh*t out of Debbie Wasserman Schultz!!! If you are a Florida voter then make sure KAREN HARRINGTON gets your vote, and even if you aren't........be sure to share, and give her your support!!!
My girl is gonna kick the sh*t out of Debbie Wasserman Schultz!!! If you are a Florida voter then make sure KAREN HARRINGTON gets your vote, and even if you aren't........be sure to share, and give her your support!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The Patriot Factor: Mitt Romney Is Right By Dick Morris/ Dick Morris....
The Patriot Factor: Mitt Romney Is Right By Dick Morris/ Dick Morris....: Mitt Romney Is Right By Dick Morris/ Dick Morris.com There is no sin greater in a presidential race than telling the truth. Ro...
Monday, September 17, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Obama compares his campaign volunteers to embassy staff killed in Libya | WashingtonExaminer.com
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
White House declines Netanyahu request to meet with Obama - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
White House declines Netanyahu request to meet with Obama - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
Another slap in the face for Israel!!!
Another slap in the face for Israel!!!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
The Democrats of 2012: For Israel, Is the Party Over?
The Democrats of 2012: For Israel, Is the Party Over?
You have to admit.....The democrats have went off the deep end!!! Even for them!!!
You have to admit.....The democrats have went off the deep end!!! Even for them!!!
Terror MAP
Find Terrorist locations on a modern map!!! Know your enemy and their location!!!
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Terror near you!!! |
Private Investigator Susan Daniels Files Affidavit Seeking Criminal Prosecution For Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number Citizens 4 Freedom
Private Investigator Susan Daniels Files Affidavit Seeking Criminal Prosecution For Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number Citizens 4 Freedom
There is so much mystery and deception that is surrounding this President, how can he be anything other than a crook??? I mean we all know that he is a Marxist, and that socialism for America is right up at the top of his agenda. But what about stuff like this...... He has a social security number that belongs to a man born before 1900, a man from Connecticut!!! He. his Wife, his Grandma, His Publicist, and his college application ALL say that he is of Kenyan birth. But he now claims he was born here. I don't know.....The Obama administration has told so many lies and half-truths that he should be thrown out of office just on that basis!!! I'm ashamed of America for letting the office of the President fall into it's current state. There is no longer any honor associated with the office, it's just another lying politician, one that lies better than the rest. What a shame!!! The office used to hold honor. Honor for the office itself, and honor for the man who held it. There was something special about it, something sacred. The people of this country held a deep respect for the office of the President, a reverence for what it stood for. Now that honor has slipped away into history, between Bill's blowjob, Nixon's little project, and now Obama's Marxist revolution is being launched from there. We get to watch the White House press corpse ask their carefully scripted questions, and once they are finished writing the story, they submit it to "Team Obama" for approval!!!
There is so much mystery and deception that is surrounding this President, how can he be anything other than a crook??? I mean we all know that he is a Marxist, and that socialism for America is right up at the top of his agenda. But what about stuff like this...... He has a social security number that belongs to a man born before 1900, a man from Connecticut!!! He. his Wife, his Grandma, His Publicist, and his college application ALL say that he is of Kenyan birth. But he now claims he was born here. I don't know.....The Obama administration has told so many lies and half-truths that he should be thrown out of office just on that basis!!! I'm ashamed of America for letting the office of the President fall into it's current state. There is no longer any honor associated with the office, it's just another lying politician, one that lies better than the rest. What a shame!!! The office used to hold honor. Honor for the office itself, and honor for the man who held it. There was something special about it, something sacred. The people of this country held a deep respect for the office of the President, a reverence for what it stood for. Now that honor has slipped away into history, between Bill's blowjob, Nixon's little project, and now Obama's Marxist revolution is being launched from there. We get to watch the White House press corpse ask their carefully scripted questions, and once they are finished writing the story, they submit it to "Team Obama" for approval!!!
Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani released, acquitted of apostasy | Christian News on Christian Today
Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani released, acquitted of apostasy | Christian News on Christian Today
Hey everyone......our tweets and letters to congress, our hopes and prayers, have been answered!!! Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani has been released from an Iranian prison, after he had been sentenced to death for refusing to denounce his faith in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ!!! AMEN!!!
Hey everyone......our tweets and letters to congress, our hopes and prayers, have been answered!!! Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani has been released from an Iranian prison, after he had been sentenced to death for refusing to denounce his faith in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ!!! AMEN!!!
The Patriot Factor: Op-ed:The circus is over...let the election games...
The Patriot Factor: Op-ed:
The circus is over...let the election games...: Op-ed: The circus is over...let the election games begin By: Diane Sori Well it’s finally over...the 3-ring circus known as the Dem...
The circus is over...let the election games...: Op-ed: The circus is over...let the election games begin By: Diane Sori Well it’s finally over...the 3-ring circus known as the Dem...
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Celebrating While Black People are Dying | FrontPage Magazine
Celebrating While Black People are Dying | FrontPage Magazine
Where is Rev. Al??? Where is Farrakhan??? How about Jesse Jackson??? Why is it that Obama has not done his "If I had a son, it would look just like" speech for none of these young men, slain in their prime??? Oh, it's because chances are, they were killed by another black, and he does not really care about young black men dying!!! He only cars about young black men dying when it can be used to create racial tension. When it's a white man doing the killing. Well Rahm.......Barry.......This is your Home town, with more deaths than a war zone. Aren't you proud???
Where is Rev. Al??? Where is Farrakhan??? How about Jesse Jackson??? Why is it that Obama has not done his "If I had a son, it would look just like" speech for none of these young men, slain in their prime??? Oh, it's because chances are, they were killed by another black, and he does not really care about young black men dying!!! He only cars about young black men dying when it can be used to create racial tension. When it's a white man doing the killing. Well Rahm.......Barry.......This is your Home town, with more deaths than a war zone. Aren't you proud???
Women, minorities added to roster in Charlotte
Women, minorities added to roster in Charlotte
What a joke!!! I've always leaned conservative......But never have I felt the way I now do about democrats!!! I would honestly be ASHAMED to tell anyone I supported the democratic party!!!
What a joke!!! I've always leaned conservative......But never have I felt the way I now do about democrats!!! I would honestly be ASHAMED to tell anyone I supported the democratic party!!!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
DNC’s Islamic prayer leader keynoted “Jihad Summer Camp” — two weeks before 9/11 « Creeping Sharia
Rebellion erupts over school’s student-chipping plan
Rebellion erupts over school’s student-chipping plan
Apparently they don't yet know about the fact that "Obamacare" mandates that ALL Americans get implanted with an RFID chip by August 2013!!! Wait until that comes out!!!
Apparently they don't yet know about the fact that "Obamacare" mandates that ALL Americans get implanted with an RFID chip by August 2013!!! Wait until that comes out!!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Maine: Public school curriculum committee stalls review of Islamic indoctrination texts « Creeping Sharia
Jon Voight: Obama Controlling Media Like Hugo Chavez Does in Venezuela - Jon Voight - Fox Nation
Monday, August 27, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
U.S. to continue pouring taxpayers’ money into Palestinian coffers
U.S. to continue pouring taxpayers’ money into Palestinian coffers
Is it sinking in yet??? The fact that our government is funding the US demise??? What do you think these people are doing with OUR money??? Well it's a safe bet that most of it will be used to attack America, whether through bombings or legal attacks furthering their causes. Let me ask you something, do you work to send these people YOUR money when we have needy Americans??? To "buy" friendship that will never develop because they want to kill or convert us all. It's time EVERY American tell his/her representative that we want them to STOP funding terror........and as far as that goes, we are tired of them giving our money away!!!
Is it sinking in yet??? The fact that our government is funding the US demise??? What do you think these people are doing with OUR money??? Well it's a safe bet that most of it will be used to attack America, whether through bombings or legal attacks furthering their causes. Let me ask you something, do you work to send these people YOUR money when we have needy Americans??? To "buy" friendship that will never develop because they want to kill or convert us all. It's time EVERY American tell his/her representative that we want them to STOP funding terror........and as far as that goes, we are tired of them giving our money away!!!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Wasserman Schultz Goes on the Attack Against Karen Harrington
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Friday, August 10, 2012
Please sign for America!!!
The socialist takeover of America: U.S. Soldier Michael Behenna Sentenced to 25yrs in...
The socialist takeover of America: U.S. Soldier Michael Behenna Sentenced to 25yrs in...: U.S. Soldier Michael Behenna Sentenced to 25yrs in Prison for Shooting Al Qaeda Op
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
5 - Securing Our Borders - We The People - AmericaWorking.org
Monday, May 21, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
A Week and a Half Late, NBC's Today Finally Discovers Govt. 'Spending Spree' in Vegas | NewsBusters.org
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